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Useful informations

Useful informations

Our office is located in the new ùmarina complex in Le Marin in front of the dock n°5 where our boats are berthed

Simply Market:

Less than 100 meters from our dock is a super market. You can find fresh products and most of your needs for cooking during your cruise.  You will be able to use one of our trolley to cover the short distance between the shop to the boat.

Carrefour Market

There is a small shop, just in front of the dock wich allows to buy last minutes. It could be very convienent because you can ask their for a shuttle to the bigger Carrefour Market farther in town. They will also drive you back to the Marina with your groceries.

Leader Price : This supermarket have the best prices as it's a discount retailer. It is well approvisionned and diversified. It is more difficult to go there because you will need your own ride to get there. This supermarket have a dinghy dock for the sailors but it will be difficult to do your groceries for 10 days using the small dinghy of your boat. It is possible to order online though.