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Charter in Martinique

Charter in Martinique

Fancy to sail but no much time available ? Discover Martinique from the sea.
5 jours

Martinique has the advantage of proposing a nice share of safe, calm and beautiful anchorages all around its coasts.

From Le Marin, you could choose to sail around Martinique and make a first  stop at La baie des anglais, a lagoon after 1h30 sailing.
La baie des anglais is a wildlife reserve with small islands that close the bay. Your tranquility is guaranteed as there is no village around. 

Between the towns of Le Vauclin and Le Robert, the east coast of Martinique is protecte by kilometers of coral reefs. Several  marked out passes allow the access to the inside of the lagoons including The 'Ilets du François' with the famous 'Baignoire de Josephine'

From Le François, you will sail to St-Pierre in 5 or 6 hours sailing mostly downwind around the North of Martinique, the sight of the volcano and the north landscape are spectacular. You will anchor in front of the town of St-Pierre at the foot of The 'Montagne Pelée'. St-Pierre is a beautiful old town where you can visit the ruins of the 1902 eruption that destroyed the then capital city of Martinique. There are also rhums factory and the St-Pierre Museum.

You will certainely appreciate the local markets and its local fresh products.

From St-Pierre, all of the remaining navigation is done leeward of Martinique on flat water. Once arrived in Les Anses d'Arlet some 15 miles south of St-Pierre, you will have several options for choosing where to stay for the night. Anse Mitan, Anses Noires, Petite Anse d'Arlet, Grande Anse d'Arlet or Anse Chaudière. Water there is translucide and turttles are swimming around everywhere. Theses places are a must for scubba diving fans.

Following stept is going to St-Anne, 10 miles from Les Anses d'Arlet, the best place to anchor is between the town and Pointe Dunquerque in front of the village hotel. This place is quiet, good looking and the water is really flat.